Monday, May 9, 2011

Metro East Area of Saint Louis, May 8th

Today I decided to try and knock off the last two items on my list of train companies/engines in the Saint Louis area before I graduate from college. I was planning on starting out my trip in Dupo, Illinois, but it hit a bit of a surprise snag. That was a CSX train sitting under I-255 in Fairmont City. Of interest where the tanks on the head end. The train was lead by CSX 5410 (ES40DC)
 From there we (I went with a friend) went over towards the KCS East Saint Louis yard, but somehow ended up on the backside of the Alton and Southern Yard and caught this little scene:
We then headed over to the KCS yard and caught a couple of KCS units KCS 662 (SD40-2), 2812, and 2805 (both SD40-3s).

We than went up to Granite City and went to the Tri-City Port, where we caught several of the Respondek units; 3086 (SD40-2), 1800 (GP8), 14 (SW8), and 1239 (SW1200).

I then caught one of the Manufactures Railroad engines at the Cargill grain elevator in Granite City. That being the 255 (SW1500).

I then wondered down to 'Tower W' (Niedringhaus Ave crossing). The first train to show up showed up about 10 seconds before I did. That being a BNSF manifest lead by BNSF 6618 (ES44AC).
I then went back to the Niedringhaus Ave crossing and caught a BNSF lead coal drag, BNSF 9829 (SD70MAC).
That was followed quickly by a UP coal train lead by UP 5862 (AC44CWCTE).
Then 'the race' of sorts came through, a northbound Norfolk Southern manifest (NS 9875 C40-9W) and Amtrak (possibly the Texas Eagle).
That was followed by a UP northbound stacker lead by UP 4063 (SD70M) with a Ferromex unit (FXE 4685 (ES44AC) in the number two spot.
Then what I was looking for came through, a Terminal Railroad of Saint Louis switch move with TRRA 2005 and 2001 (GP38-3s).
That was followed by a UP coke train (UP 6459 AC44CW).
The only southbound of the day, a NS manifest was the next to come through. It was lead by NS 9292 (C40-9W) and two other NS units.
After that a loaded UP ballast train came through lead by UP 9329 (C40-8).
 The final movement I caught before my camera screwed up was a NS local lead by NS 6169 (SD40-2).
That is all, Matt.

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